The ugly tactics of the panicked McCain camp and their surrogates in the conservative media and blogosphere are likely to get even nastier and more desperate on election day. AlterNet will have ongoing, updated coverage of the misinformation and Orwellian double-speak bound to spew forth from the right wing in their final, desperate attempt to hold on to power. Here's a taste of what's probably to come:
Palin defends singer who accuses Obama of hating national anthem
At a Palin rally today singer Hank Williams Jr. invited the audience to join him in "our national -- you know, that song that, uh, Mr. Obama's not real crazy about ... "
According to CBS News, Palin thanked the country singer for exercising his First Amendment rights (presumably the media didn't try to muzzle him):
"Hey, he exercises those First Amendment rights. We love him! Yes. So we want to thank Hank and we are going to see him tomorrow night on the other side of victory, my friend."
Though Palin defended Williams Jr.'s rights, she said nothing to the crowd to disabuse the crooner's notion that Obama isn't fond of the national anthem. Palin has, however, previously said that she is sure Obama loves his country and doesn't doubt his patriotism.
Desperation at Fox
On the last day before the election Fox News is telling viewers not to trust the polls -- except for the ones that tell them what they want to hear. From News Hounds:
FOX News is a mass of contradictions this morning 11/3/08, telling viewers not to trust the polls (that show Barack Obama with a commanding lead over John McCain) even as their banners read "It's not over yet - polls tightening!" and "Polls show tight race in final days." So, only believe selectively - only that which confirms your most fervent wishes.
Sarah Palin on foreign policy
Sarah Palin has demonstrated her extensive grasp of foreign policy issues yet again. FromThink Progress: "In her interview with Fox News' Greta van Susteren last night, Gov. Sarah Palin appeared to claim that the U.S. needs to "win" the non-existent war with Iran:
We realize that more and more Americans are starting to see the light there and understand the contrast. And we talk a lot about, OK, we're confident that we're going to win on Tuesday, so from there, the first 100 days, how are we going to kick in the plan that will get this economy back on the right track and really shore up the strategies that we need over in Iraq and Iran to win these wars?
Palin's latest desperate assault on Democrats -- and the truth
Today at a campaign stop Palin claimed that some Democrats' call to pare down our insane military budget shows they think 'terrorists' are the good guys. From Talking Points Memo: "After saying that some Dems want to cut defense spending by a quarter, she said:
"What do they think? Do they think that the terrorists have all of a sudden become the good guys, and changed their minds? No! The terrorists still seek to destroy America and her allies and all that it is that is that we stand for: Freedom, tolerance, equality."
[ ... ]
And so Palin's final appeal on the eve of almost certain defeat puts it right out in the open: It's war hero versus ally of terrorists who want to destroy America and kill your children.
Which gives rise to a question: What American presidential campaign has been more crassly militaristic and jingoistic than this one?
Convicted felon Ted Stevens thinks he should still be a lawmaker; Harry Reid disagrees.
Last week Alaska Senator Ted Stevens was found guilty of 7 felonies -- a state of affairs that has not shaken Stevens' faith in his suitability for elected office. In a recent statement Stevens claimed innocence and reasserted his plan to return to Senate.
However, according to Harry Reid, even if Stevens manages to get reelected despite the fact that he is a convicted criminal, " ... a convicted felon is not going to be able to serve in the United States Senate. And as precedent shows us, Senator Stevens will face an ethics committee investigation and expulsion, regardless of his appeals process," Reid said."
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