Meet the Press: Corporate Welfare Socialist Henry Paulson. Michael Bloomberg. Erin Burnett, John Harwood, CNBC's Steve Liesman and Washington Post's Steven Pearlstein explain why congress should give one trillion dollars of our money to fix the economic fallout, and also abdicate all oversight powers to the Treasury Secretary.
Tweety: Bob Woodward, Elisabeth Bumiller, Richard Stengel and Norah O'Donnell.
This Weak: Corporate Welfare Socialist Henry Paulson, Senator Chris Dodd. Boner. Relics of the past George Will & Cokie Roberts join Donna Brazile in a very serious discussion of how McCain won the week.
Face The Nation: Paulson. Barney Frank (D). Dipstick Alabama Senator Richard Shelby (R).
Fixed Noise: Senator Kyl vs. Senator Schumer.
Late Edition with Wolf: McCain invented the Blackberry, according to advisor Douglas Holtz-Eakin. Gloria Borger, Ed Henry, Bill Schneider give opinions wich are of no consequence at all. Boring gop strategist Alex Castellanos, Dem strategist Hilary Rosen, GOP strategist Leslie Sanchez and James Carville.
60 Minutes: Obama & McDole.
Meet the Press: Corporate Welfare Socialist Henry Paulson. Michael Bloomberg. Erin Burnett, John Harwood, CNBC's Steve Liesman and Washington Post's Steven Pearlstein explain why congress should give one trillion dollars of our money to fix the economic fallout, and also abdicate all oversight powers to the Treasury Secretary.
Tweety: Bob Woodward, Elisabeth Bumiller, Richard Stengel and Norah O'Donnell.
This Weak: Corporate Welfare Socialist Henry Paulson, Senator Chris Dodd. Boner. Relics of the past George Will & Cokie Roberts join Donna Brazile in a very serious discussion of how McCain won the week.
Face The Nation: Paulson. Barney Frank (D). Dipstick Alabama Senator Richard Shelby (R).
Fixed Noise: Senator Kyl vs. Senator Schumer.
Late Edition with Wolf: McCain invented the Blackberry, according to advisor Douglas Holtz-Eakin. Gloria Borger, Ed Henry, Bill Schneider give opinions wich are of no consequence at all. Boring gop strategist Alex Castellanos, Dem strategist Hilary Rosen, GOP strategist Leslie Sanchez and James Carville.
60 Minutes: Obama & McDole.
Copyright 2008 The Political Carnival
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