

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Shooting the Wounded

Steve Soto
The Left Coaster
August 25, 2008

So as Michelle Obama readies for her starring role tonight, how does the McCain campaign respond? By turning Cindy McCain into his chief diplomat to visit "the little country of Georgia", now somewhat littler after McCain and his chief foreign policy aide led the Georgian leadership into believing they could pick a fight with Vladimir Putin's military and count on an American military response.

John McCain told a crowd at a fundraiser that his wife is on her way to the embattled nation of Georgia, an announcement coming just hours before Barack Obama's wife makes a high-profile speech at the Democratic National Convention.
McCain told a crowd that wife, Cindy, was to accompany him on the California swing and he apologized for her absence.
"Cindy is not here today and I'm sorry she's not," said McCain. "She's on her way to the little country of Georgia."

If the Georgians were hoping for the 82nd Airborne, they'll have to settle for McCain's Barbie doll Sugar Mama instead. This way McCain can let his wife take the brunt of the hard feelings while she is assessing the humanitarian situation in a faux First Lady tour. During a McCain administration, we can look forward to her visiting all the "little countries", wearing great tightfitting clothes, and shopping for shoes like Condi does.

At least Condi knows when to say nice things about the right people. But isn't sending Cindy McCain to Georgia right about now somewhat akin to shooting the wounded?

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