Crooks and Liars
August 14, 2008
John Kerry swiftboater Jerome Corsi is at it again. After writing a book back in 2004 which sought to sink John Kerry’s Presidential hopes by calling into question his heroic Vietnam service, Corsi has now set hs sights on Barack Obama. With all the secret-Muslim/unpatriotic/radical-black-liberation-theologist smears already circulating, you might think his job would be easier this time around.Well, if every news outlet is as “fair and balanced” as CNN was last night in covering the book, Corsi and his ilk might be in a bit of trouble. Watch while MediaMatters’ Paul Waldman, author of the book Free Ride: John McCain and the Media, dismantles every single one of Corsi’s lies in rather humiliating fashion. In this clip,Corsi gets slammed for claiming “700 footnotes” while refusing to acknowledge that one of his sources is a widely discredited anti-semitic right-wing blogger.
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WALDMAN: He talks about how many footnotes he has and how many sources he has. Well, if you actually look at them, there are dozens and dozens of citations to right-wing Web sites and blogs. One of the people that he cites as a quote/unquote source is a man named Andy Martin, who is an anti- Semitic right-wing blogger who once called a judge a dirty Jew and filed so many frivolous lawsuits that he’s now no longer allowed to file lawsuits.
So my question to Mr. Corsi is, since you cite Andy Martin multiple times as a source, are there any other anti-Semitic right- wing bloggers that you also use as sources or is he the only one?
CORSI: All right. This is what Media Matters does. They frame questions that you…
WALDMAN: This is what we do. We look at what you wrote.
CORSI: […] If you’d like to talk, I can just sit here. The book has close to 700 footnotes in it. The footnotes are of primary sources. There must be 100 books cited in that. I did interviews. The interviews are cited. There’s newspapers included…
KING: Well, respond to the question about Mr. Martin.
CORSI: Well, I quote — I can remember one quip I quote from him — and it’s just a quip, which is — where he basically is saying if Obama will lie about his background and his family, he’ll lie about anything. And this was in reference to the way Obama presents his father in the autobiography, which I write about extension extensively.”
MediaMatters has the entire segment here as well as a thorough debunking of Corsi’s book here.
The Dems have an email campaign going called: Get the Truth Out About Jerome Corsi. Please sign up and help us to expose this fraud.
UPDATE: The Obama campaign has released an exhaustive 41 page rebuttal to “fringe bigot” Corsi titled “Unfit for Publication.” Read it and learn it here.
Full transcript below the fold.
(Read the rest of this story…)
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