

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Senator McCain? Your world:

BocaGuy: There's more than meets the eye.

Blue Gal
Thursday, February 21

There's no one way to spin it, but let's try this way:


Private Corporate Jet

Mr. McCain had written letters to government regulators on behalf of the lobbyist’s client

official favor for a friend with regulatory problems

Keating Five scandal

Telecommunications Lobbyist.

And the first words I heard on this from the candidate's mouth:

"I have
lots of friends in Washington."

In covering this story, neither I nor The New York Fraking Times have used the words blow job, blonde, or


I don't stoop to gutter politics, Mister McCain, because, as a Democrat, I generally never have to.

Blue Gal @ Thursday, February 21

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