

Friday, April 1, 2011

Michele Bachmann and Lies About Health Care Reform

Joseph O’Shaughnessy
Populist Daily
April 1, 2011

The Republicans said that they wanted to repeal the health care reform bill. Then they said that they wanted to de-fund it. In other words, if we can’t remove it altogether, they said, we will simply not let anyone participate in any kind of better health.
Why would a United States Congressman or Congresswoman want to prohibit an American citizen from receiving better health care at a lower cost?
Here is the principle we must follow on this. When a politician says something irrational we must look at first the situation and ask “why?”
Michele Bachmann, a Republican House member from Minnesota, is not stupid. So then, why would she speak out against health care reform? She clearly does not want to offer a substitute and she clearly does not want to offer amendments to improve it. She merely wants to continue the system of 15-20% increases that have made the health insurance industry rich beyond the dreams of an Arab sheik.
So she lies about the health reform bill, saying that provisions that have been in it since it was signed are “secret” and the costs involved, which have been paid for by adding taxes and shifting emphasis, were somehow not discussed or debated. [Read more →]

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