

Saturday, January 9, 2010

What's My Lie?

distributorcap  NY


Today on Good Morning America, America's Mayor - the one and only Rudy Giuliani, became the latest Republican operative fart bag to out-and-out lie on national television about 9/11.

Distributorcap blinking an eye, the has-been and loser candidate for President simply stated "We had no domestic attacks under Bush, we've had one under Obama."

There is no need to even explain or correct - enough blogs have done that already. Coming on the heels of similar comments from both Dana Perino and Mary Matalin (I have major trouble even typing the latter's name), it is quite apparent there is a planned Republican narrative circulating through the media world - it is always the other guy's (read Democrat's) fault. As I have stated many times before, Joseph Goebbels is smiling down at his protege Karl Rove - tell a lie big enough and often enough, people will inevitably believe it.

It is only a matter of time before we hear this one "George Bush left Obama a budget surplus and he squandered it."

Sad thing is most of this country is so stupid and so gullible, they probably believe anything that comes out of the mouths of the hero Rudy, the insider Mary and the former press secretary Dana.

21st century America is fast becoming one of the most misinformed and clueless societies on the planet. Years of neglecting education from the likes of Reagan and Bush coupled with the obsession over frivolous shit like balloon boys, runaway brides and 
American Idol, have taught people to take pride in their ignorance. These are the same people who (as Obama rightly said) "cling to their guns and religion" (and you can add in hate) and vote overwhelmingly Republican. Remember 2000? - vote for the guy you can have a beer with, not the stiff and straight laced nerd who just presided over eight solid years of prosperity. No wonder you have the current rapid worship of mental midgets like Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck, two people who actually make George Bush look smart.

As Rudy, Mary and Dana are showing, the game of 
What's My Lie? is working quite well for the GOP so far...why should they stop? They have always had Rush, Ann and Hannity to blast the lies to millions of their legions. Feeling empowered, the GOP hate mongers now readily hit the main stream shows to spout off. And with plenty of airtime to fill - those shows are all too willing to accommodate.

The failed underwear bomber gave the GOP gasbags their latest excuse to get back in the "Obama must fail" wrestling match.

As bad as the three stooges (Rudy, Dana and Mary) were with their blatant lies about 9/11 - what is actually far worse is the fact that the "news" media - in this case George Stephanopolous - does not bother to call these people out on their lies. If you watch the interview, Stephanopoulos not only let the 9/11 line go unchallenged, he wasn't even listening to Rudy's responses. You could see he was to busy thinking what his next softball question should be.

Stephanopolous' performance today was just another example demonstrating that real journalism is dead and entertainment is king. We don't have journalists - we have stenographers and ventriloquist's dummies, eager to sell lots of detergent and not alienate the guest. This is your left wing liberal media in all its glory.

We all know Rudy is a completely evil douchebag. Our 9/11 "hero" was the same mayor who was told not to put the NYC Disaster Control Center at the World Trade Center after the 1993 bombing (but did it anyway) and was the same mayor who didn’t ensure that the police and fire departments had working radios. In the aftermath of the attack, Rudy (with no place to go since the Command Center was destroyed) marched around the city against anyone’s better judgment, knowing he could use this for his some political points down the road. What he brings to the discussion now is anybody's guest - but the talk shows just love this phony piece of scum.

For all his creepiness, Rudy Giuliani is a politician. It's his job to be pugnacious - lying is part of the political persona. Knowing this is the game, it is a requirement of someone like George Stephanopolous or Diane Sawyer or Rachel Maddow to question every statement from a politician - and delve for some semblance of the truth. Stephanopolous has been doing this for years, it should be second nature to him. If he really was a good journalist or reporter - it would have automatically dawned on him to stop Giuliani at that point and say, "But, that's not correct, what about ...." If he doesn't he is aiding and enabling the propaganda. And no after-the-fact retraction (on a blog that few people read) can take that back. Even Goebbels knew that - first impressions stick - well before everything remained forever on the internet.

Watch any "news" program today and it is the same melodramatic script, only with different characters. They all round up the same 10 usual 
 pundits, regurgitating the same old trash. There is never any surprises, never any real breakthroughs, you know exactly what they are going to say. There is just a lot yelling about how bad and weak and awful the other side is. And if you bring real hard facts - well you are relegated to speaking just as they have to go to a commercial break. CNN should be renamed CON (as in con job or Cable Opinion Network). The Onion has more integrity than the likes of Fox News (where all criminal politicians carry a "D" after their name).

When blatant (and unchalleneged) lies become the mainstay of political discourse - you know that it is only a matter of time before... well you fill in the blank.

But American doesn't have to worry. I can guarantee the next Tiger Woods or Casey Johnson is just a few news cycles away.

Copyright 2010 distributorcap  NY

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