August 17, 2009
Yes, the president would do well to make a much stronger push for the public option. But it's really not up to him. Congress writes the law. And the following might be the most effective argument in support of the public option when it comes down to attacking the Republicans and the Blue Dogs who are threatening to kill the plan:
The CBO estimates that the public option would save about $150 billion over the next ten years -- that's roughly $1,100 for every taxpayer. I'm certainly not thrilled to have to pay an additional $1,100 in taxes because some Blue Dog Democrats want to placate their friends in the insurance industry.
Why do the Blue Dogs and Republicans want to raise my taxes? This is a terrific argument and we should be repeating this to everyone who will listen. Especially the lawmakers on our contact list.
Adding... Of course I understand and embrace the moral reasons for the public option. This is about hitting the Republicans and Blue Dogs from their right flank on something that resonates with voters: taxes.
Copyright 2009 Bob Cesca's Awesome Blog
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