Brilliant at Breakfast
Saturday, May 30, 2009
I realize that the ravings of a lunatic make good television. But I don't see David Shuster dragging into the studio some homeless guy ranting about how aliens are beaming death rays directly into his brain. So why on earth is Tom Tancredo, best known for being a failed long-shot presidential candidate and having a rabid hatred of immigrant Latinos, being given air time on the public airwaves that you and I own, to spew hatred and inaccurate bullshit? Tancredo makes it very clear here that what he's afraid of is that his world of white male privilege is changing, and there is nothing he can do about it, other than what is the subtext of the kind of vitriol he and Rush Limbaugh and the rest of their ilk -- the very same people who practically fellated in public the mediocrity that is Clarence Thomas -- lose their minds at the prospect of a highly accomplished Latina being appointed to the Supreme Court.
But this is what Republicans have done for decades now -- project their own hatred and their own bigotry onto others. It used to be that guys like Tom Tancredo would put on hoods and were regarded as fringe extremists. Now they are the mainstream of the Republican Party. One can only wonder the extent to which they are willing to go in order to preserve their white power world.
But this is what Republicans have done for decades now -- project their own hatred and their own bigotry onto others. It used to be that guys like Tom Tancredo would put on hoods and were regarded as fringe extremists. Now they are the mainstream of the Republican Party. One can only wonder the extent to which they are willing to go in order to preserve their white power world.
Copyright 2009 Brilliant at Breakfast
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