

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Stewart Takes On Fox News & Gretchen Carlson's War On Christmas Crusade With Animation

Katla McGlynn 
The Huffington Post
December 7, 2010

Hanukkah is close to ending and there are are only a few weeks left until Christmas, which means, if you're Jon Stewart, it's time to turn to Fox News for the latest updates on the War On Christmas.
On Monday night's episode of "The Daily Show," Stewart spent a third of his program skewering Fox News's Gretchen Carlson for her outrage at the Tulsa, OK "Christmas Parade of Lights" changing its name to "Holiday Parade Of Lights." He even provided an entertaining mash-up of classic holiday cartoons to show how Fox News became the premier source for War On Christmas news.
Stewart did not understand Carlson's outrage at "the seasonal parade in America's 47th largest city changing its name," nor did he understand why she aggressively questioned the parade's chairman on her show. Still, he admitted that there is something about Carlson's behavior that goes hand in hand with Christmas.
"I admit, the season wouldn't feel the same without people going out of their way to get offended by nothing," Stewart said.
To show how the War On Christmas began, Stewart provided a fascinating story using classic holiday cartoons. It also suggests an interesting history of how Glenn Beck came into his role as a host on Fox News.

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The Gretch Who Saved the War on Christmas
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